WordPress Uudelleenohjaukset Kytkeä
Finally, a Redirection Manager that is the real deal. Manage your website's redirections with the superhero-like powers bestowed in the most complete Redirection Manager plugin created for WordPress, ever.
The Most Sophisticated Redirection Manager
Finally, a Redirection Manager that is the real deal. Manage your website's redirections with the superhero-like powers bestowed in the most complete Redirection Manager plugin created for WordPress, ever.
Simple and Intuitive interface - The Redirection Manager is the simplest on the planet. You can start creating redirects with just a couple of clicks.
Kevyt ja optimoitu nopeuteen - A slow redirection defeats the purpose of the redirection. That is why we built the Redirection Manager to be blazing fast with well-optimized code.
Turvakoodi - Hundreds of Man Hours. Thousands of Tests. The sharpest of Minds. All have worked together to make the Redirection Manager as secure as a tank.

5 Different types of Redirections
One redirection does not fit all scenarios. That is why we included 5 of the most used redirections in the Redirections Manager to have maximum control.
301 Permanent Move - Use the 301 Permanent Redirection support to redirect old URLs to new URLs permanently
302 Temporary Move - Want to create a temporary redirect? The Redirection Manager fully supports the 302 Temporary Move Redirect
307 Temporary Redirect - The Redirection Manager also supports the lesser known, but highly useful 307 Temporary Redirect, which is a successor of the 302 Temporary Redirect
410 Content Deleted - Use the 410 Content Deleted Redirection Type to tell users and the search engines about the content you've deleted from your website
451 Content Unavailable for Legal Reasons - Can't display the content in some countries or for legal reasons? Use the 451 Redirection Type to provide accurate information to the user

5 Different types of Source Checks
The Redirection Manager gives you full control over your redirects while keeping the process of creating the redirects as simple as possible.
Exact Match - Use the Exact Match option to redirect exact URLs to the destination URLs of your choice
Contains particular string - Use the partial match feature to redirect any URL containing a string to a new URL
Starts with particular string - Redirect all URLs that start with a specific string to a new URL
Ends with particular string - Redirect all URLs that end with a specific string to a new URL
Regex support - The Redirect Manager fully supports Regex, using which you can create the most complex redirects with ease

Advanced Options
The Redirection Manager has plenty of well thought out options that help you manage your redirections better while keeping the entire process friendly and easy.
Export to .htaccess file - Export all your redirects to a .htaccess file compliant with Apache Servers
Export to Nginx config file - Export all your redirects to a config file compliant with all Nginx Servers
Uudelleenohjausten virheenkorjaukset - Using the Debug option, you can understand and debug each of the redirections that you've created with the plugin
Extends the WordPress auto redirect - WordPress automatically redirects old URLs to new URLs and the Redirection Manager builds on top of that and lets you customize the redirections

Älä vain ota sanaamme. Kysy ihanilta käyttäjiltämme!
Kingsley Slim
Rank Math yksinkertaisti koko SEO-prosessia. Se on yksinkertainen ja helppokäyttöinen, ja se päihittää kaikki muut premium-SEO-laajennukset, joita voit kuvitella!!
Mayank Nailwal
With Yoast, I have never felt that surety. And it has mostly to do with their inappropriate division of SEO maths. Their scale of Green, Yellow, Red, which is, Good, Moderate, and Bad is not explanatory enough. There are a lot of gaps. With Rank Math, I am significantly content because it provides the right amount of information for what’s lacking in my posts and how I can optimize it for maximum traffic. The suggestions by Rank Math are more superior to Yoast. They offer excellent support. You can write to them anytime, and they ensure replying to you as fast as they can. I recommend you go for it. You won’t be returning to Yoast or some other alternative again.
Tämä laajennus on paras ja tehokkain WordPress SEO -laajennus. Erittäin, erittäin, erittäin hyvä.
Mahmoud A. Atallah
Paras SEO-laajennus WP:lle. Ilmainen laajennus, joka auttaa sinua saamaan upeita premium-ominaisuuksia sivustosi tehostamiseksi.
Ankur Rai
Erittäin hyvä tuki. Mahtava laajennus ja erittäin hyvä tuki.
Matt Eastwood
Vaihtoehtojen rikkaus on valtava. Siinä on kaikki, mitä rakastan Yoast SEO:ssä (.htaccess- ja robots.txt-editoreihin asti!) sekä joukko lisäominaisuuksia. Kaiken lisäksi heidän asiakaspalvelunsa on loistavaa. Selaa vain tukifoorumeita ja katso, kuinka paljon he välittävät käyttäjistään.
Janne Wolterbeek
Se on yksityiskohtaisin, edistynein SEO-laajennus, joka on myös ystävällinen kaikille WordPressin käyttäjille. Jos haluat todella tehostaa SEO:täsi, valitse Rank Math!
kokeile meidänRank Math SEO Suite
Ota koko verkkosivustosi SEO täysin hallintaasi huippuluokan Rank Math SEO -sviittimme avulla ja seuraa sijoituksesi nousevan huipulle.